My favorite pice of tecnology... is a dificult question to answer, because now days we have so much tecnology, that always appear something new that it´s better than the old one.
I can start counting objects that had change our life as humanbeings like cars, telephone, tv, dvd, cd, electricity and so many other things that now days we are use to have in our houses, but our gandparents didn't have.
My favorite pice of tecnology is my laptop. I got my first laptop when I was 10 years old, it was my dad laptop, was old and slow but in those years they where so cool that I was happy with that gigant laptop where the only thing I could do was to play "buscaminas", "solitario" and write somethings on word, now I have a new one that is small and blue, a cute one. I use it a lot, I play super mario, listen music, chek my e-mail, work on photoshop and talk with my friends, share pictures and this is every day. I like to have many things in one, so the laptop is the greatest thing on tecnology, has all in one and you can work on almost everything you need.
I couldn´t imagine my life without one, not only a laptop also a computer, both are like te same thing, but I would have to admit that my life witout this magic "box" would be completely different and difficult.